A journey of unlearning back to myself

Name of choice in this lifetime: Bianca
since 1996


The below is my story told in an artistic data visualization manner, so try to see all the pictures as data charts. I like storytelling with data and I got inspired by Bret Victor's bio, hence my approach here.

the natural course
(the path I could have taken)

gentle souls I met along the way

I found God within Myself

my course

(the path I actually took)

Trees can grow straight or they can have many twists and turns. I believe it's the same with the paths we take in life.


I hurried to get born, so much so that I came 9 weeks early. I think I intuited I had stuff to do here.

Life happened, as it does, which caused me to make choices that strayed me from myself, more and more with each passing year.


I encountered people I knew from other lives along the way and they unknowingly helped me reunite with myself.



2023 is the year I deem to be my most transformative so far. I've learned a bit of the art of letting go of all that isn't me. I've mended a good part of my relationship with myself - source - God - the universe itself.

The balancing act

I spent most of life jumping from one extreme to the other, in most of the aspects of my existence.


Lately, I've been learning to hold onto my center.


I still do a lot of jumping, but it's during my workout sessions - one of the things that I use to stay balanced.


"Rather abide at the center of your being,

For the more you leave it,

the less you know.

Search your heart and see that

the way to do is to be."
(Lao Tzu, The Center of Your Being)


My path so far

(what I call a path of seed)

Dream careers through the years

What I currently do for a living - I'm learning how to live.

To really, really live.


"The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious  and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves."

(Alan Watts)

They hold splendid wisdom in such things as unconditional love, patience, selflessness, forgiveness, living in the present, taking joy in life...


Zu(zu) taught me the most important lesson of all - letting go of whom or that which you love when it's time.

My interests and passions are vast and I enjoy taking on new endeavors.


This doesn't necessarily help when looking for a job in the current market, but I find, more and more, that it is perhaps this very multivalence of mine that I should invest into.


The thing I have most worked on in this life is myself, an unfinished product that is forever getting updates.

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."

(Meister Eckhart)

After many years of clinging onto my academic results thinking they were the only worthwhile thing about myself, I realized I enjoy being a student of life. I love learning, growing, expanding my mind.


Educated by Tara Westover is a wonderful book on educating yourself as a way of rescuing yourself, which I related to.

In keeping with the chart subject, no additional comments are needed here.

The non-human loves of my life


How much I enjoy small talk

Work and emotional experience

Things I'm grateful for

(and owe my existence to)

"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops".
(Stephen Jay Gould)